website tips website tools weebly tips

Move Weebly Website to WordPress

In the past I dismissed ideas from my clients about the possibilities of moving their websites from Weebly to WordPress.

My dismissal of such inquiries had nothing to do with the effectiveness of WordPress which is quite obvious.

My primary reason for such dismissals were centered around the understanding that compared to Weebly, WordPress was much harder to use especially by clients who were/are very particular about being able to manage, edit and update the websites on their own.

I was against those intentions because it went contrary to what they (client) kept requesting for which was to help then build a website that they can easily manage and update on their own.

Website Tutorials weebly tips Weebly Tutorials

How To Protect Weebly Website With Password

There are a number of reasons to make a website password protected. One of the major reasons is usually to restrict everyone from having access to the website thereby making the website accessible only to few people with the password.

Password protection in Weebly can be applied site-wide or to individual pages.

Site-wide Password Protection For Weebly Websites

By site-wide password application we mean setting the password to protect the whole website so that no part of the website (including pages, blog posts, products, files, etc.) can accessed without a password.

This method of password protection can also be called “full password protection” and is particularly helpful in situations where the website in question is not meant for public use, or the website is under development/updates, and so on…


How To Preview Weebly Website Without Publishing

If you have ever used the Weebly Designer platform, you can attest to the fact that ones of the most exciting features of that platform is the “Preview” button which makes it possible to preview a website.

What’s so exciting about the preview, you ask?

Well… being able to preview a website means that you are able to see how the website looks or will appear to your users when it is eventually published.


How To Build Weebly Website Faster

Whether you are a newbie building your first Weebly website or a professional web designer/developer creating your 1000th website, one thing we can all agree is that building a website does take sometime, especially when you don’t have all the details figured out.

In this post, I’m going to show you how to quickly setup and build a Weebly website using any custom template of your choice.


Un-publish or Deactivate A Weebly Website

By un-publishing a Weebly website we mean deactivating the website so that it is no longer online which means can no longer be viewed.

There are a number of reasons you might want to un-publish your Weebly website, it could be because:

  • you published it by mistake (before you are ready to take the website public),
  • you are temporarily deactivating it,
  • you finished a new website and want that domain pointed to that new website,
  • some changes in your business that requires a rethink of the website, etc.

Avoid Publishing Weebly Website By Mistake

One of the disadvantages of the Weebly website builder is an inability to undo changes made. This of course is due to the fact that after all these years, Weebly is yet to introduce an “undo button” which would allow its users to revert to previous version after making some changes.

The undo button is very useful in building websites and most (if not all) online publications because we are prone to mistakes which can be rectified by simply hitting the “undo” button.


Create Custom 404 Weebly Page

A 404 page also known as “Page Note Found” is an error page that a website user is shown when trying to access a website URL that no longer exist.

A website URL might no longer exist if that URL has been deleted, renamed, or moved without a redirect created for that URL.

In such cases, trying to access that URL will return a 404 error which indicates that such URL was not found or no longer exist.


Redirect Old Weebly Pages To New Ones

You have probably found yourself in situations whee you need to rename a website page, or where you need to delete a page which of course are very easy to accomplish in Weebly.

The purpose of this article is to answer the question you probably have, which is: “What happens to the URL after I delete a page?”


How to fix Uppercase For Weebly Sub Menus

There are lots of reasons you might want to have your website pages appear in bold letters, usually to match your logo or business branding.

This article will focus on how to capitalize the Weebly menu and sub menu without having to go page-by-page to type with caps lock on.

For those familiar with Weebly, you must have noticed that you can turn on “Uppercase” option for the menu via the Fonts panel. This option unfortunately only capitalizes the main menu but doesn’t capitalize the sub pages (or drop down menus).

This means that we can easily capitalize the Weebly main menu but we need to do a little more work to capitalize the sub menus.


How to Create Weebly Sub Menus or Sub Pages

Let’s begin with a general understanding of website menu structure which is most likely something you already know but we will do a quick overview just for the sake of this article.

Understanding The Weebly Menu And Sub Menu

When we say “Weebly Menu” we are referring to the main navigation pages (or page names) that appear usually on a website header or sidebar depending on the theme in use.

Below image shows a Weebly website header with its navigation menu indicated by the red arrows.